My work is drawn from my experience as an African Nova Scotian woman growing up in the provinces black communities. I take a great deal of pride in where I’m from and through my work, I want to show my people as they are, not as they appear to be. I want them to see themselves and to be seen.
My work has been a way for me to explore my culture, and dig deep into the traditions and superstitions from my community.
I use, used fabrics in connection to the resourceful way my grandmother, Rosella “Mommay” Fraser, made quilts for her family. My Grandmothers quilting, to me, was survival for my family. It was less about decoration, and more about warmth and protecting those close to you. Her quilts, as well as the African American Gee’s Bend Quilters greatly influenced my quilts. My goal is to nurture my family traditions, honoring those before me in the process.
The figures painted in my works, are just a few members from my large family from the community of North Preston, they continue to serve as a large source of inspiration and motivation.
Photo by Ryan Williams