Summer 2021
Commissioned by the St George's Youth Net.
(Painted by myself and the Kids attending Youth Net's Art Camp)

Summer - Fall 2021
In connection with
50 Things: A Provincewide Art Adventure
Zuppa Theatre & Ecology Action Center
To the Dump
By Letitia Fraser
Go to the dump he said.
It’s only 5 minutes away.
When I got to my grandmothers,
My uncle was helping my cousins build go karts.
Go to the dump he said.
It’s only 5 minutes away.
They were made out of wood and rope.
He cut the wood and showed us how to hammer the pieces together.
Go to the dump he said.
It’s only 5 minutes away.
I want one! I want one! I said.
He already had the wood, nails and rope ready.
I just needed the wheels
Go to the dump he said.
The dump?... I was confused.
Come on, we’ll show you, my cousins said… it’s only 5 minutes away.